Goeppertia burle-marxii

(H.Kenn.) Borchs. & S.Suárez (2012)

This name is accepted

Kingdom: Viridiplantae Phylum: Magnoliophyta Class/Clade: Monocots Order: Zingiberales Family: Marantaceae Genus: Goeppertia


Key Characters:

Growth Form:








Elevation Range:

Historical Distribution

Uses and Culture


Natural History

Statewide Status

Only found in cultivation

Island Status

Kaua'i Only found in cultivation
O'ahu Only found in cultivation

Dispersal Agents

Other Animals

Vegetative Reproduction



Name Published In: Syst. Bot. 37: 629 (2012)


SNo. Scientific Name Scientific Name Authorship Locality Habitat Basis of Record Recorded By Record Number Island Source Date
1 Goeppertia burle-marxii (H.Kenn.) Borchs. & S.Suárez Allerton Gardens in Lawai Valley, E end of Mermaid Fountain area. Cultivated. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN David H. Lorence 7661 Kauai PTBG 4/25/1995
2 Goeppertia burle-marxii (H.Kenn.) Borchs. & S.Suárez Koloa Dist; Lawai Valley, Allerton Gardens, east end of Mermaid Fountain area PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Lorence, D.H. 7661 Kauai BISH 4/25/1995
3 Goeppertia burle-marxii (H.Kenn.) Borchs. & S.Suárez Lyon Arboretum PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Kirchoff, B.K. 89-201 Oahu BISH 6/10/1991
4 Goeppertia burle-marxii (H.Kenn.) Borchs. & S.Suárez Honolulu: Manoa Valley; University of Hawaii Manoa Campua; Sharman Laboratory PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Lau, J. 1893 Oahu BISH 1/21/1986
5 Goeppertia burle-marxii (H.Kenn.) Borchs. & S.Suárez lyon arboretum PRESERVED_SPECIMEN kirchoff, b.k. collector number: 89-201 Oahu BISH 6/10/1991
6 Goeppertia burle-marxii (H.Kenn.) Borchs. & S.Suárez National Tropical Botanical Garden in Lawai Valley, McBryde Garden, east side of Lawai Stream, Maidenhair Falls, Zingiberales display area by Ravenala. Cultivated plants. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN David H. Lorence 10741 Kauai PTBG 3/28/2018
7 Goeppertia burle-marxii (H.Kenn.) Borchs. & S.Suárez honolulu: manoa valley; university of hawaii manoa campua; sharman laboratory PRESERVED_SPECIMEN lau, j. collector number: 1893 Oahu BISH 1/21/1986
8 Goeppertia burle-marxii (H.Kenn.) Borchs. & S.Suárez koloa dist; lawai valley, allerton gardens, east end of mermaid fountain area PRESERVED_SPECIMEN lorence, d.h. flynn, t. collector number: 7661 Kauai BISH 4/25/1995
9 Goeppertia burle-marxii (H.Kenn.) Borchs. & S.Suárez Lawai Valley, National Tropical Botanical Garden, Bamboo Bridge, Zingiberales synoptic collection Cultivated. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Tim Flynn 8967 Kauai PTBG 4/16/2019